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  • Servicio de seguridad Productos Edge

    Protéjase contra las amenazas avanzadas y en la nube y salvaguarde los datos en todos los vectores.

  • Borderless SD-WAN

    Proporcione con confianza un acceso seguro y de alto rendimiento a cada usuario remoto, dispositivo, sitio y nube.

La plataforma del futuro es Netskope

Intelligent Security Service Edge (SSE), Cloud Access Security Broker (CASB), Cloud Firewall, Next Generation Secure Web Gateway (SWG) y Private Access for ZTNA integrados de forma nativa en una única solución para ayudar a todas las empresas en su camino hacia el Servicio de acceso seguro Arquitectura perimetral (SASE).

Todos los productos
Vídeo de Netskope
Borderless SD-WAN: el comienzo de la nueva era de la empresa sin fronteras

Netskope Borderless SD-WAN offers an architecture that converges zero trust principles and assured application performance to provide unprecedented secure, high-performance connectivity for every site, cloud, remote user, and IoT device.

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Borderless SD-WAN
  • NewEdge

    NewEdge is the world’s largest, highest-performing security private cloud.

  • Cloud Security Platform

    Visibilidad inigualable y protección contra amenazas y datos en tiempo real en la nube privada de seguridad más grande del mundo.

  • Partners tecnológicos e integraciones

    Netskope partners with the strongest companies in enterprise technology.

Embrace a Secure Access Service Edge (SASE) architecture

Netskope NewEdge is the world’s largest, highest-performing security private cloud and provides customers with unparalleled service coverage, performance and resilience.

Más información sobre NewEdge
Tu red del mañana

Plan your path toward a faster, more secure, and more resilient network designed for the applications and users that you support.

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Tu red del mañana
Netskope Cloud Exchange

Cloud Exchange (CE) de Netskope ofrece a sus clientes herramientas de integración eficaces para que saquen partido a su inversión en estrategias de seguridad.

Learn about Cloud Exchange
Vídeo de Netskope
Cambie a los servicios de seguridad en la nube líderes del mercado con una latencia mínima y una alta fiabilidad.

Más información sobre NewEdge
Lighted highway through mountainside switchbacks
Habilite de forma segura el uso de aplicaciones de IA generativa con control de acceso a aplicaciones, capacitación de usuarios en tiempo real y la mejor protección de datos de su clase.

Descubra cómo aseguramos el uso generativo de IA
Habilite de forma segura ChatGPT y IA generativa
Soluciones de confianza cero para implementaciones de SSE y SASE

Learn about Zero Trust
Boat driving through open sea
Netskope hace posible un proceso seguro, rápido y con inteligencia cloud para la adopción de los servicios en la nube, las aplicaciones y la infraestructura de nube pública.

Learn about Industry Solutions
Wind turbines along cliffside
  • Nuestros clientes

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Ver nuestros clientes
Woman smiling with glasses looking out window
El talentoso y experimentado equipo de servicios profesionales de Netskope proporciona un enfoque prescriptivo para su exitosa implementación.

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Servicios profesionales de Netskope
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Group of young professionals working
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Podcast Security Visionaries

Episodio de bonificación 2: El cuadrante mágico para SSE y obtener SASE correctamente
Mike y Steve analizan el Gartner® Magic Quadrant™ para Security Service Edge (SSE), el posicionamiento de Netskope y cómo el clima económico actual afectará el viaje de SASE.

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Episodio de bonificación 2: El cuadrante mágico para SSE y obtener SASE correctamente
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Cómo Netskope puede habilitar el viaje de Zero Trust y SASE a través de las capacidades del borde del servicio de seguridad (SSE).

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Sunrise and cloudy sky
Cumbre Netskope SASE

Adopte SASE y transforme su organización con información de los principales expertos en seguridad e infraestructura.

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Cumbres Netskope SASE
¿Qué es Security Service Edge (SSE)?

Explore el lado de la seguridad de SASE, el futuro de la red y la protección en la nube.

Learn about Security Service Edge
Four-way roundabout
  • Empresa

    Le ayudamos a mantenerse a la vanguardia de los desafíos de seguridad de la nube, los datos y la red.

  • Por qué Netskope

    La transformación de la nube y el trabajo desde cualquier lugar han cambiado la forma en que debe funcionar la seguridad.

  • Liderazgo

    Nuestro equipo de liderazgo está firmemente comprometido a hacer todo lo necesario para que nuestros clientes tengan éxito.

  • Partners

    Nos asociamos con líderes en seguridad para ayudarlo a asegurar su viaje a la nube.

Apoyar la sostenibilidad a través de la seguridad de los datos

Netskope se enorgullece de participar en Vision 2045: una iniciativa destinada a crear conciencia sobre el papel de la industria privada en la sostenibilidad.

Descubra más
Apoyando la sustentabilidad a través de la seguridad de los datos
La más Alta en Ejecución. Más Avanzada en Visión.

Netskope ha sido reconocido como Líder en el Gartner® Magic Quadrant™ de 2023 en SSE.

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Netskope ha sido reconocido como Líder en el Gartner® Magic Quadrant™ de 2023 en SSE.
Pensadores, constructores, soñadores, innovadores. Juntos, ofrecemos soluciones de seguridad en la nube de vanguardia para ayudar a nuestros clientes a proteger sus datos y usuarios.

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Group of hikers scaling a snowy mountain
La estrategia de venta centrada en el partner de Netskope permite a nuestros canales maximizar su expansión y rentabilidad y, al mismo tiempo, transformar la seguridad de su empresa.

Learn about Netskope Partners
Group of diverse young professionals smiling

A Modern DLP Solution Has These Non-Negotiable Characteristics

May 10 2023

The following is derived from the new book Modern Data Loss Prevention (DLP) for Dummies, Netskope Special Edition, available now. Click here to get your complimentary copy.  

Security professionals were once confident that the valuable data they protected was safely tucked away inside heavily fortified data centers. But as businesses of all sizes undergo digital transformation, moving their data to the cloud and across numerous distributed locations, the demands placed on legacy data protection systems have changed drastically.

The reality today is that most legacy data loss prevention (DLP) systems were not designed to handle cloud and hybrid work use cases, which require a cloud-based architecture, greater coverage and scale beyond the campus network’s premises, and advanced capabilities to keep up with the growing variety of sensitive data. You need to rethink your approach to data protection and consider adopting a modern cloud-delivered DLP technology. Modern DLP is designed to automatically discover and protect the storage, the flow, and the use of sensitive data — anywhere across an organization’s networks, users, and services.

Why legacy DLP won’t help you

Although legacy DLP solutions have been used for data protection for more than a decade, they have gained a reputation for being costly, too complex to implement and manage, and less and less accurate.

They were originally designed with a perimeter-based security model in mind that assumes sensitive data must be kept protected within managed network environments, a model that is no longer applicable. We’re in the era of cloud and collaboration where data is stored and shared across multiple cloud-based locations and accessed by users and devices connecting from anywhere. Adding extra technologies to an outdated DLP approach doesn’t make it cloud-ready; it only adds complexity and more strain on what might be an already-stretched IT department.

Additionally, legacy DLP systems may not have been designed to enable modern data sharing practices, and to keep up with stricter privacy requirements and newer risks. Fundamentally they lack deep understanding of risk context around data, making it difficult to automatically discern between a legitimate form of collaboration and a risky one, and to adapt security response to changing circumstances. 

Not all cloud-delivered DLP solutions are created equal

When it comes to choosing a newer cloud-delivered DLP solution, keep in mind that many of them may be well-marketed to solve for specific modern use cases and for deployment complexity, but overall, lack the maturity and sophistication needed to effectively replace legacy solutions. This lack of maturity and sophistication means they don’t have the efficacy and accuracy needed to effectively balance data protection and business needs, leading to continued friction between the two.

How modern DLP works

To effectively protect sensitive data and safely enable modern business practices, a DLP system should be comprehensive, cloud-delivered, and powerfully advanced. It should protect your data across all fundamental channels, including clouds, networks, emails, endpoints, and users from any location. It’s designed to be risk-aware and context-aware, so you can trust that your data will always be safe wherever it moves.

A modern DLP system performs several critical functions, including the following:

  • Protects sensitive data comprehensively and consistently wherever it resides and moves, whether it’s data in motion (crossing clouds, networks, apps, and devices); data at rest (being stored); or data in use (being collaborated on, transferred and shared).
  • Accurately and automatically identifies sensitive data, even if it’s in unstructured formats like images thanks to advanced detection engines aided by machine learning (ML) and artificial intelligence (AI), so you can trust it to keep all your data safe in the constantly evolving cloud world reducing the workload on your security teams.
  • Monitors what’s happening in the contextual data environment, such as who’s accessing data and what they’re doing with it. By continually monitoring actions, risks, and behavior DLP can detect incidents and dynamically enable the proper protection based on changing conditions.
  • Provides smart user coaching by automatically educating employees on safe data-handling practices in real time, reducing the need for incident response teams to manually triage issues.

To read more about moving to a modern DLP solution that supports your business goals while also protecting your most important assets—your people and data—get your copy of Modern Data Loss Prevention (DLP) For Dummies, Netskope Special Edition.

author image
Carmine Clementelli
Carmine Clementelli es experto en seguridad y líder tecnológico en seguridad de datos, CASB y confianza cero en Netskope.

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