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    Protéjase contra las amenazas avanzadas y en la nube y salvaguarde los datos en todos los vectores.

  • Borderless SD-WAN

    Proporcione con confianza un acceso seguro y de alto rendimiento a cada usuario remoto, dispositivo, sitio y nube.

La plataforma del futuro es Netskope

Intelligent Security Service Edge (SSE), Cloud Access Security Broker (CASB), Cloud Firewall, Next Generation Secure Web Gateway (SWG) y Private Access for ZTNA integrados de forma nativa en una única solución para ayudar a todas las empresas en su camino hacia el Servicio de acceso seguro Arquitectura perimetral (SASE).

Todos los productos
Vídeo de Netskope
Borderless SD-WAN: el comienzo de la nueva era de la empresa sin fronteras

Netskope Borderless SD-WAN offers an architecture that converges zero trust principles and assured application performance to provide unprecedented secure, high-performance connectivity for every site, cloud, remote user, and IoT device.

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Borderless SD-WAN
  • NewEdge

    NewEdge is the world’s largest, highest-performing security private cloud.

  • Cloud Security Platform

    Visibilidad inigualable y protección contra amenazas y datos en tiempo real en la nube privada de seguridad más grande del mundo.

  • Partners tecnológicos e integraciones

    Netskope partners with the strongest companies in enterprise technology.

Embrace a Secure Access Service Edge (SASE) architecture

Netskope NewEdge is the world’s largest, highest-performing security private cloud and provides customers with unparalleled service coverage, performance and resilience.

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Tu red del mañana

Plan your path toward a faster, more secure, and more resilient network designed for the applications and users that you support.

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Tu red del mañana
Netskope Cloud Exchange

Cloud Exchange (CE) de Netskope ofrece a sus clientes herramientas de integración eficaces para que saquen partido a su inversión en estrategias de seguridad.

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Vídeo de Netskope
Cambie a los servicios de seguridad en la nube líderes del mercado con una latencia mínima y una alta fiabilidad.

Más información sobre NewEdge
Lighted highway through mountainside switchbacks
Habilite de forma segura el uso de aplicaciones de IA generativa con control de acceso a aplicaciones, capacitación de usuarios en tiempo real y la mejor protección de datos de su clase.

Descubra cómo aseguramos el uso generativo de IA
Habilite de forma segura ChatGPT y IA generativa
Soluciones de confianza cero para implementaciones de SSE y SASE

Learn about Zero Trust
Boat driving through open sea
Netskope hace posible un proceso seguro, rápido y con inteligencia cloud para la adopción de los servicios en la nube, las aplicaciones y la infraestructura de nube pública.

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Wind turbines along cliffside
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Woman smiling with glasses looking out window
El talentoso y experimentado equipo de servicios profesionales de Netskope proporciona un enfoque prescriptivo para su exitosa implementación.

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Servicios profesionales de Netskope
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Group of young professionals working
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Podcast Security Visionaries

Episodio de bonificación 2: El cuadrante mágico para SSE y obtener SASE correctamente
Mike y Steve analizan el Gartner® Magic Quadrant™ para Security Service Edge (SSE), el posicionamiento de Netskope y cómo el clima económico actual afectará el viaje de SASE.

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Episodio de bonificación 2: El cuadrante mágico para SSE y obtener SASE correctamente
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Cómo Netskope puede habilitar el viaje de Zero Trust y SASE a través de las capacidades del borde del servicio de seguridad (SSE).

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Sunrise and cloudy sky
Cumbre Netskope SASE

Adopte SASE y transforme su organización con información de los principales expertos en seguridad e infraestructura.

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Cumbres Netskope SASE
¿Qué es Security Service Edge (SSE)?

Explore el lado de la seguridad de SASE, el futuro de la red y la protección en la nube.

Learn about Security Service Edge
Four-way roundabout
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  • Por qué Netskope

    La transformación de la nube y el trabajo desde cualquier lugar han cambiado la forma en que debe funcionar la seguridad.

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    Nos asociamos con líderes en seguridad para ayudarlo a asegurar su viaje a la nube.

Apoyar la sostenibilidad a través de la seguridad de los datos

Netskope se enorgullece de participar en Vision 2045: una iniciativa destinada a crear conciencia sobre el papel de la industria privada en la sostenibilidad.

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Apoyando la sustentabilidad a través de la seguridad de los datos
La más Alta en Ejecución. Más Avanzada en Visión.

Netskope ha sido reconocido como Líder en el Gartner® Magic Quadrant™ de 2023 en SSE.

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Netskope ha sido reconocido como Líder en el Gartner® Magic Quadrant™ de 2023 en SSE.
Pensadores, constructores, soñadores, innovadores. Juntos, ofrecemos soluciones de seguridad en la nube de vanguardia para ayudar a nuestros clientes a proteger sus datos y usuarios.

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Group of hikers scaling a snowy mountain
La estrategia de venta centrada en el partner de Netskope permite a nuestros canales maximizar su expansión y rentabilidad y, al mismo tiempo, transformar la seguridad de su empresa.

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Group of diverse young professionals smiling

Navigating M&A Challenges

Jul 05 2023

Mergers and acquisitions (M&A) are one of the levers used by executive teams to deliver on an organisation’s strategy. They present an opportunity to optimise business and operating models by reshaping product and service portfolios, as well as providing a fast-tracked method of market share growth. Despite the economic conditions of recent years, M&A activity has remained relatively steady across numerous sectors including fashion, retail, renewable energy, professional services, and automotive. PwC reports that while the number of megadeals may be lower than during the exceptional 2021 peak, mid-sized deals are keeping activity strong, and the consulting firm is predicting another upswing in the second half of 2023. 

Mergers and acquisitions bring with them significant challenges, demanding immense effort and resources from across both businesses. Amidst an already hefty workload, an M&A often forces the technology function of an organisation into challenging additional pressures as they work to safely and quickly onboard and integrate operations and employees. Yet, however critical, speed is not the only KPI. Despite meticulous analysis, M&A deals can bring unexpected surprises, requiring quick adjustments and revisions and making tactical agility equally crucial.

The Burden of M&A

Undertaking an M&A transaction can feel like a full-time job on top of an already overloaded schedule. Technology teams typically face staff shortages of around 10-15%, which already amplifies the strain felt by those in critical roles just trying to perform existing commitments. The demand for their expertise becomes even more pronounced during M&A activities and building trust between teams (bearing in mind they may feel they are competing for a single job in the longer term), is crucial for effective collaboration and, ultimately, successful results. Designing optimal processes, aligning on architecture and technology stacks, gaining organisational approvals, reporting risks, and safeguarding against cyber incidents all require meticulous planning and confidentiality.

Amidst the complex landscape of M&A, the Netskope platform emerges as a valuable asset, helping organisations overcome various challenges and unlock operational efficiencies. Let’s delve into the key value propositions it offers:

  • Discover all SaaS apps instantly: The Netskope platform enables enterprises to gain comprehensive visibility into all their software-as-a-service (SaaS) applications, swiftly and effortlessly. This capability holds immense significance as it allows organisations to validate licence costs, identify potential liabilities, and address them promptly. By scoring third-party risks and assessing digital supply chain vulnerabilities, companies can make informed decisions about their technology stack and architecture. Moreover, having a holistic view of SaaS applications enables better threat protection by ensuring that no critical areas remain overlooked. Enhanced risk assessment and realistic integration efforts lead to more accurate cost estimates, uncovering hidden savings potentials.

    A large internet services company comments: “Netskope has helped us in many ways but specifically data visibility, data protection, and easy/faster mergers.”
  • Zero trust through transition: Onboarding large groups of users to an environment is a balancing act – where access is correlated to productivity but an overly permissive approach opens up risk. Netskope NPA is a zero trust network access tool which enables security teams to quickly provide cautious access on their own terms – terms that can be refined with increasing granularity as the requirements of the new employee groups become better understood. 

    As Julien Rossignol from Groupe Bel explains in a new case study: “We know that zero trust will be a vital consideration for our business, particularly when it comes to … onboarding new employees from acquired businesses, so NPA will be key for us there.”
  • Single pane of glass: With the Netskope platform, organisations can access all pertinent information from a single, unified interface. This centralised view eliminates potential disputes around data validity and allows teams to focus on the essence of the M&A process. By streamlining data access and analysis, the platform alleviates resource constraints, enabling teams to dedicate their efforts to more critical tasks.

    Roland Schoenauen, Head of IT at Creos explains: “We needed to simplify our architecture; get a single point of access”, and his colleague, security manager Raphaël Rose adds, “The strength of Netskope, for us, is the way it simplifies our architecture… we have a single point of access, a single client, and integrated threat and data protection.”
  • Fast deployment: The Netskope platform stands out for its swift deployment capabilities, with examples of successful transitions from competitive solutions within as short as a six-week timeframe. This rapid implementation saves valuable time and reduces outsourcing costs, enabling organisations to expedite the M&A process while maintaining operational continuity.

    A manager at a large North American internet company commented that: “Netskope solutions have been easy to set up, deploy, and maintain.”
  • Embracing the latest technology: By leveraging the Netskope platform, enterprises can take advantage of the most recent technological advancements. The platform offers a user-friendly experience, empowering users with intuitive features and interfaces. Furthermore, the platform’s future-proof nature ensures that organisations can seamlessly adapt and scale their operations for future M&A activities.

    Or, as a senior analyst in a large pharmaceutical company explained recently in user feedback: “Having Netskope in our environment has helped our team be ready for, and execute on, crucial actions before and during mergers.”

Mergers and acquisitions are complex endeavours that demand significant resources and careful planning. The Netskope platform provides invaluable support by offering instant discovery of SaaS applications, a zero trust access architecture, a unified view through a single pane of glass, rapid deployment, and access to the latest technology. Successfully navigating the challenges of M&A transactions means greater efficiencies (in both third party costs and team resource), enhanced risk assessment, and ultimately supporting enterprises to drive successful M&A outcomes and shape a robust and future-proof business landscape.

You can check out more customer comments about the way Netskope has supported M&A activity here. 

author image
Ilona Simpson
Ilona Simpson es la CIO para EMEA de Netskope.Como CIO experimentada, aporta más de 20 años de experiencia iniciando y liderando la implementación de nuevas estrategias de negocio / tecnología y modelos operativos.A lo largo de su carrera, ha aportado valor en todas las fases de un negocio: alto crecimiento, crisis, integración de nuevos negocios y desinversiones.

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